Bitter Orange Peels
Citrus aurantium
Of Asian origin and cultivated in the Mediterranean basin, the Bigaradier is a tropical tree of the Rutaceae family.
We offer hand-selected dry peels of ripe and healthy bitter oranges, these can result in two categories of products; First, the synephrine-rich peels have a stimulating effect similar to adrenaline providing tone and vitality to the body and stimulates the body’s natural defenses and also has calming properties. Secondly, the essential oil of bitter orange extracted from the cold pressing of the zest has antibacterial and anti-infectious effects, stimulates digestion and promotes weight loss, fluidifies blood circulation, in addition to its soothing action. and balancing nervous.
We can offer you up to 30 different products for this range.
For any quote inquiries, please contact our agency via mail or phone
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